Introduction If you have already begun your retirement investing journey, you are probably aware of the value of adding precious metal to your portfolio. If you’re just beginning, now is the perfect time to consider
8 Benefits of Investing in Silver
Colonial – SEO – Benefits of Investing in Silver For most investors, silver isn’t just any precious metal—it’s a gateway to diversification and potential security in a portfolio. Beyond its traditional role as a store
6 Steps to Get Started With Your Silver Investment
There are many ways to invest in silver, including a Silver IRA. A Silver IRA investment is a retirement fund in which your savings are physical silver coins or bars. With economic volatility and uncertain
Putin Blames Biden for Killing the Dollar
Russia’s leader claims Biden’s administration is weaponizing the USD and in turn destroying the value. Vladimir Putin asserts that the Biden administration is “killing” the USD by using it as a weapon, claiming that America has suffered a “blow,” and that even its allies are now “downsizing” the value of the currency. After employing the dollar as a tool of foreign policy, President Joe Biden’s administration is alleged to have “killed [it] with [its] own hands” by Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Russian president stated: “The dollar is the cornerstone of the United States’ power… it is the main weapon used by the U.S. to preserve its power throughout the world” in a recent and extremely contentious discussion with Tucker Carlson. “This American power was dealt a blow as soon as the political leadership decided to use the dollar as a tool of political struggle.” Putin said that “even the U.S. allies are downsizing the dollar in their reserves” to demonstrate the purported decrease in the dollar’s dominance. His remarks were translated in real time from Russian to English. Is the de-dollarization of this movement away from the US dollar as severe as Russia’s president portrays it to be? When nations stop using the dollar as a reserve currency, medium of exchange, or unit of account, this phenomenon is known as “de-dollarization.” Any ideas that this is an issue have been consistently rejected by the United States, which views it as a “natural desire [for countries] to diversify” their economies. As one of the original members of the BRICS alliance, which also includes China, India, Brazil, South Africa, and many more emerging market nations, Russia is working to have significant trade settlements settled in local currencies rather than US dollars. As nations work to lower transaction costs, lessen their exposure to geopolitical risks and global volatility, and strengthen their local economies, this movement is gaining traction. The timing of the Russian president’s warning on the dollar is perfect. It occurs in the midst of increased conjecture on the dollar’s status as the global reserve currency, largely because of the country’s historically high $34 trillion debt load. The IMF reports that since early 2016, the value of the US dollar as a percentage of the world’s allotted foreign exchange reserves has decreased by about 6%. The IMF reports that since early 2016, the value of the US dollar as a percentage of the world’s allotted foreign exchange reserves has decreased by about 6%. Nonetheless, in the third quarter of 2023 (the most recent data set), the U.S. dollar continued to account for 59.17% of the world’s allotted foreign exchange reserves; this stands in sharp contrast to the Chinese yuan’s 2.37% of reserves during the same period. According to analysts at FXC Intelligence, de-dollarization is happening, but it is
Unbelievable January Jobs Report is… UNBELIEVABLE
Perhaps the reason the most recent Jobs Report looks so ridiculous is because it is, upon closer inspection. Initially, the most recent employment report appeared to be a huge success that had taken everyone by surprise. First off, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the US added 353,000 jobs in January.
U.S. Debt is the ‘most predictable crisis’ in History—Jamie Dimon.
Homes for Americans could be taken by this issue, endangering national security. The public debt of the United States is over $34 trillion, and the country’s debt-to-GDP ratio is about 100%. Not exactly the boon that the Founding Fathers had originally intended. Alarm bells are now starting to sound louder and more frequently. Jamie Dimon claims that the amount of money Washington is spending is causing a “rebellion” in the global economy, while Brian Moynihan, the CEO of Bank of America, thinks that action needs to be taken to address the issue rather than just appreciating it. The economy is in a “death spiral,” according to Nassim Taleb, the author of Black Swan, while Jerome Powell, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, believes it’s time for a “adult conversation” about budgetary responsibility. Former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan described the problem as the “most predictable crisis we’ve ever had,” a description that Dimon concurs with. However, it is not now at the top of the political agenda. Fixing this debt is not the responsibility of one party over the other—both Republicans and Democrats have contributed to its accumulation through spending. The presidents who increased the highest debt, in percentage terms, are Woodrow Wilson (D), Ronald Reagan (R), and Franklin D. Roosevelt (D). The public clearly wants action immediately, regardless of whose shoulders it falls on to address it. Reducing government debt was ranked as a top concern by 57% of the 5,152 respondents polled by Pew Research last year, up from 45% the year before. But do people really need to worry about this issue when, when debt is divided by capita, they currently have more than $100,000 hanging over their heads? What effects will it have on their budgets, living expenses, and savings strategies? One of the main interests of the nonpartisan Peter G. Peterson Foundation, located in New York, is raising public awareness of fiscal issues, with a particular focus on the growing national debt. According to the group, debt may result in lower public spending, a decline in the confidence of foreign investors in the American economy, a narrowing window of prosperity for American people as the housing and job markets deteriorate, and a threat to national security. Here’s where JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon becomes worried: can the government anticipate increased output to balance the investment in a weakening economy? “Instead of focusing on the level of debt, we should be asking: What is the return on the investment?” Added Professor Veldkamp. “Debt is beneficial if it is issued by the government to fund high-yield projects. If not, future productivity will be low, making it difficult to pay off the debt.” In a recent interview, William G. Gale of the Brookings Institute stated that any attempt to rebalance public debt will “disproportionately” affect the housing, construction, automotive, and other interest-rate-sensitive industries. According to the author of Fiscal Therapy: Curing America’s Addiction to Debt and Investing in the Future, “higher government debt will tend to raise interest rates.” “The government must find a way to pay for debt it issues, either through taxation or money creation. Money creation has historically been the (false) remedy when debt gets out of control since it is simpler to issue money than raise taxes, but the long-term effects are frequently more destructive.” Over the next few decades, younger generations who will be climbing the property ladder will be shocked by any increase in interest rates. Homeowners and potential buyers have been used to a federal base rate that is effectively less than 1%, despite the fact that many economists point out that the contentious Fed rate hikes of the 2020s are simply normalizing the rates of many prior decades. In addition to their detrimental psychological effects, growing rates are bad news for the already unaffordable market. The median amount needed to qualify for a house purchase is $105,504, while the median family income is $99,432 according to the most recent National Realtors’ Association index. Will America’s national security be impacted by the debt? Admiral Michael Mullen, the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, stated that debt posed the greatest danger to national security when the country’s debt was only $19 trillion. In January, former Speaker Ryan stated at the Bipartisan Policy Center that the government will soon be spending more money on its debt than on Pentagon investments. “This is about the security of the world,” Dimon continued. Both a stronger America and a stronger military are necessary. We need it now. Thus, I consider this to be dangerous for all of us. Given the amount of debt the government has accrued and the continued health of the economy (low inflation, stable employment, and reasonably well-off consumers), one could wonder why lawmakers are unable to continue spending as they see fit. The government has set a debt ceiling that it is not allowed to spend over; in order to raise or extend it, Congress must give its approval. It has occurred 78 times since 1960; but, this summer, negotiations came to a stalemate as Republicans pressed President Biden’s administration to make significant commitments to reduce expenditure. Reaching a settlement could prove more challenging when the matter resurfaces shortly after the 2024 election. The other problem is that investors can eventually lose interest in purchasing government debt if they believe the government will not be able to repay it. Joao Gomes, a professor of finance and senior vice dean of research at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, has that as his top priority. “The most important thing about debt to me that people to keep in mind is you need somebody to buy it,” Gomes stated. “We used to be able to count on China, Japanese investors, the Fed – All those players are slowly going away and are actually now selling.” The countries throughout the world that possess a portion of the money, totaling $7.6 trillion, are concerned about America’s capacity to pay its debts. The countries most at risk are the United Kingdom, China ($782 billion), and Japan ($1.1 trillion as of November 2023). ($321 billion), Canada ($716 billion), and Luxembourg ($371 billion). “If at some moment these folks that have so far been happy to buy government debt from major economies decide that ‘You know what, I’m not too sure if this is a good investment anymore, I’m going to ask for a higher interest rate to be persuaded to hold this’ then we could have a real accident on our hands,” Gomes said. “You will have to impose major cuts on some programs the moment the government of any country realizes that it can no longer sell $1.7 trillion in debt,” he continued. I don’t think anyone wants to consider the Pandora’s box of societal instability that that unlocks.”
AI Stock Bubble Bursting?
AI is overhyped, US markets are grossly overvalued, and a recession is imminent, according to Jeremy Grantham. Without the AI frenzy, stocks would have fallen another 20% or 30% in 2023, the investor claimed. Foreign conflicts, particularly at a time when asset values are at all-time highs, are a concern for Grantham. Jeremy Grantham has warned that stocks are ridiculously overpriced and will likely struggle, artificial intelligence is a bubble that will eventually burst, and the economy will experience a mild recession or worse. In a recent interview with ThinkAdvisor, the founding and long-term strategist of fund manager GMO advised against investing in US stocks. “They’re almost ridiculously higher priced than the rest of the world,” he stated. “This year will be difficult for the stock market,” he said. In comparison to overseas competitors, American companies’ profit margins are at all-time highs, he continued, putting equities in “double jeopardy” as both earnings and multiples could decline. Market historian Grantham warned of a multi-asset “superbubble” at the beginning of 2022, saying it burst that year when the tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite fell 33% and the S&P 500 fell 19%. He said that the sell-off was “rudely interrupted” by the AI craze in early 2023, which “changed the flight path of the entire stock market.” Stocks would have fallen another 20% or 30%, he claimed. “AI isn’t a hoax, as bitcoin basically is,” the seasoned investor declared, but he also added that the “incredible euphoria” around it wouldn’t endure. Nevertheless, he predicted that within the ensuing few decades, it might prove to be just as transformative as the internet. Despite strong GDP growth of 3.3% in the fourth quarter, low unemployment, annualized inflation below 4% in December, and the possibility of many rate cuts this year, Grantham also released a dire assessment for the US economy. However, there appears to be problems ahead given the inverted yield curve and the extended drops in key economic indicators. He predicted that “the economy will get weaker.” “We’ll have, at least, a mild recession.” Grantham also flagged the threat posed by conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, warning that wars can
The Fed’s Rough Ride as Inflation Picks Up Again.
By the end of 2023, US inflation had picked up steam, driven by unwavering expenses for services as a prolonged drop in goods prices fizzled out. According to government estimates, the consumer price index climbed
When Will the Fed Cut Rates?
… And What Are Your Options? Interest rate reductions are expected by Wall Street by May of next year, however they might occur as early as March. However, that is at odds with what the
75,000 JOBS LOST DUE TO LABOR STRIKES IN 2023 – What does it mean to You?
How do the recent labor disputes affect your financial future and what you can do to protect your future. In the current unstable economic environment marked by work stoppages and layoffs, it is more crucial